Why are Black Currants Perfect for Mead?

What are Black Currants?  Black Currants are small, dark berries that are rich in Vitamin C.  Black Currants have a deep, tart flavor and a rich color which makes them perfect for making fruit meads.  The acidity in Black Currants is a perfect complement to the sweetness of honey.  

Black Currants add a wonderful flavor to mead which is not very well known in the United States.  The flavor of Black Currants is beloved and very popular all over the world, however.  Schramm’s Mead in Ferndale, Michigan, is well known for its Black Currant Meads, especially its Black Currant Mead called ‘Black Agnes’, a mead that offers a symphony of flavors – from the initial bold berry burst to the lingering sweet, floral notes of honey. It’s a beverage that appeals to both mead enthusiasts and those new to this ancient drink.  Black Currant Mead offers a taste experience that is both unique and memorable.

Blackcurrants in hand in front of a blackcurrant bush.  Black currants currant fruit picking